Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Birthday, PlayStation

If you know me at all, you'll know that I'm not a gamer. But I'd be lying if I said I don't like games. Games have been something that caught a speck of my time and interest.

The other day, a friend of four years revealed to me that he was a hard core gamer. He pointed out to me that September 9th was Sony's video game console's 15th birthday. He also sent me an interesting chart.

This chart displays the interesting facts of the loyal PlayStation fans. Interesting facts like, 84% of PlayStation fans are willing to give up social networking for video games, 60% are willing to give up their cell phones if they were asked to choose between their iPhone or PS3. 38% of players play between 8 - 10 hours a day. The survey goes on to spit a few more random facts such as, 33% of gamers do not like to snack while they play because they need to focus on perfecting their gaming art. One of the most intriguing stats on this chart was that 40% of gamers are not willing to date people who are not gamers... whoa. It turns out these loyal gamers dictate their whole lives around games.

This is what hit me:

Video Games have become an idol. I mean, look at the stats!

-people are willing to sacrifice anything that would get in the way of games.
-people are not willing to date people who would pull them away from games.
-people are giving up certain foods for the sake of perfecting their art of gaming.
-people gather in small groups to partake in gaming, and talking about their experience of gaming.

If I were to substitute the word "game" with "God", you would totally think it was a legit religion!

This is idolatry in the highest form!

hahaha... now, I'm not about to tell the youth of the United States that they need to repent and turn to the real God. Why? Because no one would mistake a PlayStation 3 as a god... I mean... what kind of god needs repair? Instead, I'm more curious of how we can get some teenagers to channel their passions for gaming to their relationship with Jesus...