Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What Could Have Been...

Today, after our weekly staff meetings, the youth director (Kev) and I talked about what could have been. How would our lives look different if we didn't end up in ministry? What would we be doing right now?

Kevin said, "I'd probably be a counselor, helping people somewhere." Interesting, because he's doing that now. In other words, he has a calling to help people, and even if there isn't a job opening for him at the local church, he would continue to do what he is already doing.

Chuck Smith, the founder of the Calvary Chapel movement once said, "If you have a choice between being a pastor and something else, always go with something else. However, if all you want to do is to be a pastor, then go ahead and do that." What he is saying is, ministry is a scared calling. Being a minister is your entire being.

Kevin also said he used to work at a Starbucks. He said he did that because he wanted to learn to interact with strangers, because he may need that skill as a church leader. In his case, even if he can't work in a church, he will continue to be a minister for Christ because that is all he can do.

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